Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Normal Blood Sugar Can You Have Normal Blood Sugar Levels But Still Have Insulin Resistance?

Can you have normal blood sugar levels but still have insulin resistance? - normal blood sugar

Hello. I had collected a glucose tolerance test 2 hours, my blood was before drinking the liquid, and then again 2 hours later. My blood sugar in the blood back to normal, but do not take my insulin levels. I've heard that you can still have normal blood sugar levels if you produce insulin resistance (but your body produce more insulin than usual?) I asked my doctor, but said my insulin level check is not necessary at all. So I need my insulin levels have examined and are excluded for insulin resistance?


hypnobun... said...

The test for the production of insulin than C-peptide. If you have insulin resistance and normal blood sugar levels, you do not already have diabetes and you do not need treatment.

Everything you see is a test of C-peptide for a person who can pass a test of glucose tolerance is a high number, it would be nice.

If the blood sugar well after a glucose tolerance test, do not worry.

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